Tuesday 24 April 2012

SenYum KamBinG...

Hai, korg2 penah bace metro online x??
slalunyer, pagi2 dtg opis je aku akn bace metro dlu... update info la katekan.. hehehehe
pastu, punye la syok bace metro... tetibe aku terbace ni plak...
berkali-kali aku bace ayat tu.., nk pastikan same ade mate aku yg salah ke, atau mmg ayat tu yg salah...
setelah ditelek dan discan sepuas-puasnyer... ternyate.. hahahaa... mmg ayat tu yg salah..
pastu ape lg... tersenyum kambing la aku depan pc sengsorg.. 
pastu aku ajak geng ketawe same2.. hahahahaahha
mungkin writer ni ngntok kot time tulis article ni... 
xpe2... anda dimaafkan.. hehehe

.......::: Lain kali, tulis leklok ekkk... Peringatan utk diri sendiri jugak =P :::.......

Monday 23 April 2012


The day I fall for you...
Made me realize pleasure of life

The way you loved me...
Taught me how to care in life

The pain in living apart and
The suffering of missing you

Promise to be with you always,
I hope you will too...

Dry throat once wet,
As we finally met...

The reason to love you,
Will always remain the same...

I am in heaven
As I am in you,

I will be in heaven,
As I will be with you...

.....:::Tq dear for create a poem for me..=):::....

Wednesday 4 April 2012

WeLcoMe Note (",)v

hai..., hari ni 03 / 04/ 2012... first day buat blog.. huhu... klakar gile... xpe, 1st try.. huhu.. leceh gak.. ingat senang jer.. =)..